自己のトリオで演奏している所をドラマーの村上”ポンタ”秀一に認められ、20歳で新メンバーで結成されたNEW PONTA BOXに参加し、アルバムリリース、ツアーを行う。
The Gospellersのメンバーである北山陽一のソロプロジェクトではバンドマスターを務める。
さらに2010年12月にはジャズシンガーakikoの『The Best Release Tour』でバンドマスターを務める。
Toshitaka Shibata (Pf/Key)
Toshitaka Shibata was born on November 2, 1983 in Hokkaido, the northern most part of Japan. His father is a professional base player.
He started playing the electric organ when he was 3 years old.
Then he started playing the piano when he was 5 years old.
He jammed with his father and father’s friends playing Blues and Jazz when he was an elementary school student.
After he graduated from a high school affiliated with a college of music, he was discovered by Shuichi “PONTA” Murakami, the best drummer in Japan. Then he joined NEW PONTA BOX, when he was 20 years old. At the same time, he played with various bands, like the house band “Clam”. He also became the bandleader for Jazz singer akiko’s tour ”Best Release”.
During the special concert “Celebrating the Music of Michael Jackson Live in Japan” in April 2011, he played in a band consisting of foreign artists as an only Japanese member.
In November 20, 2016, he released his second solo album “Piano Solo Vol.2”.